Total investment in commercial SSA data, services for project reach $15.5M Today the Office of Space Commerce (OSC) announced a one-month extension of its ongoing Consolidated Pathfinder project in support of the Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS).  Initiated in …

Office of Space Commerce Extends TraCSS Consolidated Pathfinder Read more »

NOAA’s Office of Space Commerce (OSC) has placed new orders for space situational awareness (SSA) services with two U.S. commercial companies. The service orders will support OSC’s Consolidated Pathfinder project that will inform the development of its operational Traffic Coordination …

Office of Space Commerce Places Orders for SSA Data Quality Monitoring Pathfinder Read more »

The Office of Space Commerce (OSC) announces an opportunity for commercial space situational awareness (SSA) companies to participate in OSC’s Consolidated Pathfinder project. Through its partnership with NASA, OSC is preparing to place a new order in the Global Data …

OSC Announces Opportunity to Provide Commercial SSA Data Quality Monitoring Services Read more »

Today, NOAA’s Office of Space Commerce (OSC) announced the start of a commercial pathfinder project in support of its Traffic Coordination System for Space (TraCSS). To execute the pathfinder, OSC placed orders with three U.S. commercial space companies for space …

Office of Space Commerce Initiates TraCSS Pathfinder Projects Read more »