Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs RFI for New Licensing System

Today the Office of Space Commerce released a Request for Information in support of a new licensing system for Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs (CRSRA) that will improve communication security with licensed entities, automate workflows, facilitate record search and analysis, and provide licensees with “self-service” capabilities.

View RFI at

OSC welcomes industry comments, questions, and suggestions that will aid it in understanding industry capabilities and developing an acquisition strategy for CRSRA’s system. One of the principal outcomes of vendor/government engagement will be to ensure that alternate approaches that may reduce cost and budget, schedule, and technical risk are considered in the procurement. OSC may, therefore, utilize the information provided to refine its acquisition strategy to maximize competition among viable acquisition alternatives.

Multiple or alternative approaches are welcome. Although this RFI requests specific information, it is not intended to discourage creative thinking on the part of the industry to propose alternative solutions or approaches that OSC may not have considered.

Responses are due by 2:00 p.m. ET on Nov. 17, 2023.